

  1. Mix all ingredients in bowl.

  2. Rest 30 minutes.

  3. Stir with spatula for 5 minutes.

  4. Rest 1.5 hours.

  5. Stir with spatula for 5 minutes.

  6. Rest 1.5 hours.

  7. Heat cast iron skillet at 500 F for 30 minutes.

  8. Punch down dough. Pour dough into skillet and bake for 30-40 minutes.

  9. Turn bread out onto wood cutting board. Try to wait 2 hours before cutting.


  • 4 cups flour

  • 2 tbsp honey

  • 2 tsp salt

  • 1 packet yeast (2.5 tsp)

  • 2 1/2 cups water

No-kneed wet dough.

This is a very easy and forgiving no-kneed bread recipe. It’s not the most beautiful bread, but it has a great taste for the effort.

Experiment with different local honeys to see how they affect your finished bread. I like to use raw honey, the yeasts from the honeys can bring unexpected (delicious) flavors that you can’t get from packaged yeast alone.

Kate Bakken

Kate Bakken is a Digital Marketing Consultant and avid cook. She has cooked around the world from Brooklyn to the Black Forest. During the pandemic she taught herself to make pasta, dumplings, and noodles from scratch without a pasta maker.

roasted brussel sprouts