Mix all ingredients in bowl.
Rest 30 minutes.
Stir with spatula for 5 minutes.
Rest 1.5 hours.
Stir with spatula for 5 minutes.
Rest 1.5 hours.
Heat cast iron skillet at 500 F for 30 minutes.
Punch down dough. Pour dough into skillet and bake for 30-40 minutes.
Turn bread out onto wood cutting board. Try to wait 2 hours before cutting.
4 cups flour
2 tbsp honey
2 tsp salt
1 packet yeast (2.5 tsp)
2 1/2 cups water
No-kneed wet dough.
This is a very easy and forgiving no-kneed bread recipe. It’s not the most beautiful bread, but it has a great taste for the effort.
Experiment with different local honeys to see how they affect your finished bread. I like to use raw honey, the yeasts from the honeys can bring unexpected (delicious) flavors that you can’t get from packaged yeast alone.